Cape Cod & The Magical Islands DVD
Includes the islands of Monomoy, Cuttyhunk,Penkikese and Nomans Land
Cape Cod National Seashore's beautiful beaches, dunes and lighthouses are captured in stunning video sequences.
This Cape Cod sojourn begins in a cedar swamp. These swamps are the mothers of cranberry bogs.
North Harwich cranberry farmer Link Thatcher tells the history of cranberries
as he shows you the secrets of both dry and wet harvesting.
You are transported to the island of Monomoy which is only a mile from the mainland
but has an innocence reminiscent of the Galapagos Islands with its seals and solitude.
Chatham Light and its surrounding shoals begin the journey around Cape Cod.
Filmmaker Rich Holzer walked in the footsteps of Thoreau
to bring you a coherent view of the Outer Cape including Cape Cod National Seashore
from Nauset Marsh to the high dunes of Truro.... along the swiftly moving waters of Race Pt
and finally across to Provincetown at low tide and sunset.
The scenes of dunes, beaches, and waves capture the timeless boundary between sand and sea.
Pianist Neil Olmstead composed music for the Outer Cape,
his delicate touch as the cloud shadows pass over the dune is balanced by high energy
as the journey continues around the Cape to Great Island, Quivett Neck and Quisset Knob.
The production promises Magical Islands and it delivers. In addition to Monomoy,
the viewer visits Penikese, Cuttyhunk and Nomans Land Island by Martha's Vineyard.
Naturalist Bud Olivera tells of Nomans past and use as a bombing range.
One of the founders of an experimental school on remote,fogbound, Penikese Island
recounts stories of students, lepers, and the island’s connection to the explorers of the1600s.
Cuttyhunk Island is the last of The Elizabeth Islands.
It has few cars and less than 100 year round residents. Enjoy this undeveloped island
as you see the dancing trees of Cuttyhunk and its forgotten beaches.
A Cuttyhunk fisherman conveys his love of the island
and the striped bass who have been a part of his life.
After viewing this tape you will understand why Cuttyhunk
has been a favorite destination for generations of sailors.
Approx. 65 min.
Telly Award Winner
Order your copy today!
Call 603 724 2206 to place your Mastercard Or Visa Card order
CAPE COD & Magical Islands (First Light part2) $19.95 + ship: $5.50,
MARTHA'S VINEYARD First Light Part 1 $19.95+ ship: $5.50
FIRST LIGHT SET Parts 1&2 $34.95 + ship: $5.50 for the set
Mail Orders
Send check or money order (made out to The Dolphin's Eye) to:
The Dolphin's Eye LLC, PO Box 4652, Portsmouth NH 03802
Please do not send credit card information via e-mail.
To contact us: Phone 603 724 2206 e-mail:richard at dolphinseye dot com
Shipping within the U.S. is $5.50 for one DVD or $5.50 for the set
Boston Globe Review
Massachusetts coast stars in "artumentaries"
Rich Holzer of Andover NH (Kittery ME) runs "The Dolphin's Eye",
a video company that specializes in New England images.
His two latest programs, focusing on Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard,
offer spectacular views of the Massachusetts
Unlike other nature documentarians, however, Holzerand his crew take it one step further.
Holzer calls his work "artumentaries" and, for once, that's an accurate description of what they are.
The crisp visual details will recall, for residents and vacationers alike,
the beauty that makes the seashore so special.
LETTER TO NH PBS Monthy Magazine "THE MAILBOX" section
Thank you for airing The Dolphin's Eye Productions:
New England by The Dolphin's Eye;First Light Part 1, Martha's Vineyard;
and First Light Part 2, Cape Cod and Magical Islands.
I especially enjoyed First Light Part 1,Martha's Vineyard.
The entire program was truly marvelous.
The videography of the selected subjects was splendid.
I was captivated by the Wampanoag's spirituality and insights on our relationship with the land.
I loved the choice of musical background. It blends nicely, with a moving effect in an appropriate and unobtrusive manner.
The entire show was tremendously beautiful.
These videos would make a great gift. How can I get a copy?
Viewer from Malden, Mass
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All Rights Reserved for images, video, audio, graphics and text